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What are the effects of using coatings on optical lenses?

With today's growing market, lens technology is becoming more and more popular. Lenses illuminate at different heights for different angles, the smaller the angle, the greater the height. If the angle is too small, there will be a dark area between the light columns. On the contrary, the larger the angle, the more uniform the mixed light, but the illumination height is not high. And optical lens is the use of light refraction principle to achieve light aggregation, light dispersion and optical imaging, can optimize the color correction, correction of spherical aberration, optical lens can be widely used in a variety of security, automotive, digital cameras, lasers, optical instruments and other fields. So what will be the effect of using coating for optical lenses? Yutai will introduce it to you. What will be the effect of optical lens using coating: Generally speaking, when light goes from one kind of substance to a different transmitting substance (e.g. air into optical glass), 5% of the light will be reflected. In complex optical systems, due to the numerous lenses and refractors, the combined transmittance of the entire system can only be 50% or less. For this reason, people coat the surface of optical lenses with a single transmittance-enhancing film (usually MgF2) or multiple layers of transmittance-enhancing films. Single-layer transmittance enhancement films can reduce the reflectivity to 1.5%, and multi-layer transmittance enhancement films can reduce the reflectivity to 0.25%, thus greatly increasing the optical transmittance of the system in a specific wavelength band. You can usually tell what film layer has been applied to an optical lens by the color of the reflection on the lens. Lenses coated with a single layer of transmittance enhancing film are usually blue-violet or red, and lenses with multiple layers of transmittance enhancing film are light green or dark purple. The above content is the use of optical lens coating will have what effect on the introduction of the optical lens is a device that can gather or disperse light, can affect the wavefront curvature of light. The images produced include real images and virtual images. And optical lens is a more precise product, the lens is manufactured using advanced coating technology, the lens appearance is easily damaged. If the optical lens is used for a long time, it needs to be cleaned regularly. Cleaning and maintenance of optical lenses can extend the service life of the lens.

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