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Yutai Optics makes optics for UV Disinfection Systems

    Changchun Yutai Optics offers a range of precision optical components for use in UV Disinfection System applications. The most common usage of such systems is for water purification. This is harnessing specific wavelengths of a UV lamp which is then emitted and used as a germicide to cleanse water of pathogens such as e. coli, staphylococcus aureus and salmonella.

    One such component are the quartz tubes which can be moulded or generated from a furnace. These tubes are typically used to house the UV lamps. This prevents the UV lamp from being exposed which in turn extends the longevity of the lamps and means that the lamps can be used under higher pressures. These lamps and tubes can also be used with UV reflectors which are light reflectors with a U channel or groove means that light which would normally be shined backwards is now harnessed in the correct direction.

    Yutai Optics provides tubes which are typically produced from quartz, borosilicate, float glass, Liba 2000, amongst other materials. This choice of material is down to its ability to withstand thermal stresses and those that can offer high transmission values.

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